Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Still room in Holiday Yoga classes

 Image of Yoga Holiday Card from YogaDudes Shop

There's still room in the rest of the Holiday Yoga classes at Harmony Yoga.  The Thursday 5:30 -- 6:45pm class is especially small.  If you'd like a smaller class, this will be a nice one for you!

Go to Holiday Yoga Classes (skip past the free yoga class for new people section) and check the schedule and fees for the final Holiday classes.

Pre-registering / pre-paying still applies for the discounted price. 

If you want to pre-pay but can't easily drop off your payment at the studio by the day before the class, you can pay through PayPal.  If you don't have a PayPal account, you can pay with credit card or debit card as a PayPal Guest.

Go to the Harmony Yoga Pay With PayPal page.
Click on the bottom button that says, "Buy Now".   It will take you to a page where you can add the price for the class.   (There are no special PayPal buttons for the individual Holiday Classes).   On the confirmation page there's a space to write a note to tell me which class you're paying for.   If you miss that, just email me and tell me.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Yoga Practice Tips for the Holidays, Part 4 - Refer to good yoga books

Happy New Year 2013!

Was one of your New Year resolutions to practice yoga poses more often between classes?   It's an excellent resolution to make at any time of the year!   If you practice at home in between classes and during times when classes aren't in session, you'll notice a big difference in the ease in doing poses during class and during your own practice.   Difficult poses will become more of a delight to work on!  Your muscles won't be as sore after regular classes if you also practice at home.  You'll become stronger and more flexible and less prone to exercise-related injuries.   You'll become more mentally centered.  All of you who've been taking yoga for some time know all of this!  

The Tips for Practicing during the holidays that I've been presenting recently are good tips to follow any time of the year, whether or not your regular classes are in session.

Tip # 4 for practicing yoga during the holidays, or at any time of the year, is to practice from instructions and sequences in good yoga books.    These books also present the philosophy of yoga, for those of you who are ready to learn more about the full scope of this ancient art and science.

As an Iyengar Yoga practitioner, I highly recommend the following books.  They all include detailed instructions and photos of many poses.   The first two books include sequences for practicing as well (although Light on Yoga sequences are more difficult).

 If you are a serious Iyengar yoga student, you probably already have some of these books.   If you don't, get them, especially Light on Yoga, which is considered to be the "Bible of Modern Yoga".   

Also refer to The 10 Best Iyengar Yoga Books for summaries of these books and other more specialized yoga books.